It's Finally Done!!

 As the title suggests, my film is finally done! It will show at the Peoria Riverfront Museum this Saturday the 22nd at Fuse, an event created to display the final projects of the Interactive Media students at Bradley University. 

I will publish the final film on this blog on the next post once Fuse has come to an end. I would also like to create a "behind the scenes" video where I talk about my thought process from start to finish when it comes to creating this film, but this will likely not be posted until later. 

Thank you for reading my production blog, and I hope you'll check in sometime next week for when I post the film here!

:Update Below (4/24/23):

I would upload the finished video here but the file is almost 130 MB so it's far too large to watch here, so check out the link above to see it! 

I also made another post after this one that has the link and briefly talks about what programs I used and the process, but here's the link to the finished film as well! You can check that out below:
