
Click Here to See My Completed Film!!

 Here is the completed version of Dreamwalker, my capstone film!! It was a long time coming, and I'm really excited and happy with how it turned out. Click here to see the finished film! Note: I would upload the finished video here but the file is almost 130 MB so it's far too large to watch here, so check out the link above to see it!  It was created using frame-by-frame animation, such as how old Disney movies were made in the sense that every single frame you see in the film was drawn by hand. My rough estimate of the total unique frames (not including frames I recycled or repeated) was 1,000 - 1,100. Quite a lot of work, but it definitely shows!  I drew the frames and backgrounds in Adobe Photoshop, edited the individual frames together and rendered out each of the animated shots in Animate. I then edited all of the shots and sound together and added any camera movements in Premiere, and did the final compositing in After Effects. I even did a little sound effects edi...

It's Finally Done!!

 As the title suggests, my film is finally done! It will show at the Peoria Riverfront Museum this Saturday the 22nd at Fuse, an event created to display the final projects of the Interactive Media students at Bradley University.  I will publish the final film on this blog on the next post once Fuse has come to an end. I would also like to create a "behind the scenes" video where I talk about my thought process from start to finish when it comes to creating this film, but this will likely not be posted until later.  Thank you for reading my production blog, and I hope you'll check in sometime next week for when I post the film here! :Update Below (4/24/23): Click here to see the finished film! I would upload the finished video here but the file is almost 130 MB so it's far too large to watch here, so check out the link above to see it!  I also made another post after this one that has the link and briefly talks about what programs I used and the process, but here'...

More Coloring!

 All my lineart is done and I'm working on color now! I'm about halfway through it now. It's honestly really exciting seeing everything come together and I'm looking forward to being done and seeing the final product. Here's a few of the shots I finished! This is the very first shot, showing the child restless in his sleep before we enter his dream. I added some gradient overlays for some shading and I think it definitely helped him feel less flat. I'll add some other gradients to the shots in the nightmare woods too, but that'll probably be in post so they stay consistent.  This shot marks the entrance of the fox character in the child's dream. A white glow emanates from the bushes before its ears pop up. Was pleasantly surprised with how the background turned out for this one. Photoshop brushes definitely helped with the texture of the foliage.  Confused, the child looks to his companion for guidance. It simply dips its head in confirmation. The child ...

Lined Shots + 1 Colored Shot

Huzzah, I return with some new cool things! I'm on lineart now! Nearly done with it actually and got a couple colored shots and backgrounds done. A gif of a run cycle! Pretty proud of it overall, don't got much to comment about it.  This is a shot I actually added somewhat last minute. I added it to help solidify the child's uncertainty as he walks forward, comforted and prompted again to continue onward by the fox character. There is some lineart overlap, but this will go away once I color as both characters have their own folders in Photoshop. This will actually go before the shot below: Phew! This one took a while. I kid you not, between all three characters there's over 100 unique, hand-drawn frames in this shot alone. A lot going on, but once I color it it'll make more sense. Basically, as the child approaches the monster it shrinks and its spiky features soften, signifying that as one faces their fears the less scary they sometimes become. There will be a whit...

Shots Shots Shots-Shots-Shots Shots

  eVErYbODy I've made this joke before haven't I More rough animation shots have been completed, putting me at almost 3/4 done with them. Here's a few of my favorites! My professor noted that I should have the leg move forward more so that the child is leaning into the step more so I will be sure to correct that, but I am fairly content with the pacing of the movement at least. I wanted there to be at least one shot that is very dynamic to help showcase my animating abilities and this is one of them. I plan to touch up the timing so the camera zooming out is a bit faster but I'm happy with it overall as far as the rough animation is concerned.

More Rough Animations

      A few more shots, not in any particular order (from first to last: #7, 3, and 5). Some of the movement in shots 3 and 5 were connected, such as the boy's rapid breathing. I will probably adjust the pace of the breathing later but for now I need to keep moving along and mapping out the other shots. I'll admit those last two were a little challenging and I definitely needed to collect some references for some of the movements but I'm overall pretty content with how they are for now. 

Week 6 Rough Animations

A few of my favorite rough animation shots I made this week and last week! First one I rendered as a looping gif to make it easy to edit in later. I will probably make some minor changes to some of these but as far as the movement is concerned I'd like to think it looks decent so far.